How To grow calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties 

Many people like ornamental plants with long and lush flowering. Calibrachoa is one of them. Dozens of flowers can bloom on it at the same time. Care and cultivation of calibrachoa is within the power of any grower. The agrotechnics of this plant is very simple, subject to the basic rules, there are no problems with it.

What does Calibrachoa look like?

Outwardly, the flower looks like a well-known petunia, and it is not surprising, because they belong to the same family - Solanaceae. His homeland is South America. Previously, calibrachoa was even placed in the genus Petunia, until in 1990 it was found that these plants have differences in DNA. They are considered related, but still belong to different genera.

Despite the obvious similarity, there are morphological differences between them. The flowers and leaves of caliberhoa are smaller, the shoots are not herbaceous, like those of petunias, but woody. Because of the long (0.5-1 m) branches, the plant is considered to be ampelous.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
Calibrachoa often decorates the balconies of city apartments and garden plots.

Features of flowering

Calibrachoa blooms very profusely, despite the fact that her flowers are small (only 2.5-3 cm in diameter). Their natural color is purple, but later breeders bred varieties with other shades - red, yellow, white, blue, with thin stripes in the center of the petals and a border. A feature of the flower of the plant is the presence of a core strip near the corolla (the so-called "neck"). It is always contrasting, usually yellow, dark orange or brown.

Calibrachoa flowers are similar to petunia bells. Usually they are simple, there are terry varieties, but they bloom less magnificently. The leaves of the plant are small, 3-4 cm long, 1 cm wide, elongated, with short sparse hairs. There is also pubescence on the stems. They are dense, inflexible and woody.

Calibrachoa in landscape design + photo

The flower can grow in open ground, but most often it is grown in a pot, used in the design of visits, terraces and balconies. When buying a caliberchoa, keep in mind that the upper floors of buildings are not the best place for it; strong winds can damage fragile stems and delicate flowers.

Advice!Often, not one, but several plants with different colors of flowers are planted in a container, creating bright decorative compositions.

Calibrachoa stems, if left uncut, can grow very long. This feature can be used to create cascading compositions using flowers, decorating living arches with them.

Calibrachoa is successfully combined with verbena, ivy, balsam, chlorophytum, lobelia, fuchsia and pelargonium. Next to it, you can also plant geraniums, marigolds, sage and zinnia.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
Calibrachoa is most commonly grown in pots.

Types and varieties of calibrachoa

The genus Calibrachoa includes 30 species, some of which are used as cultivated plants for growing at home. They grow well in the middle zone. Breeders have bred many varieties of the flower; among gardeners, the plant is known not only by its real name, but also as an ampelous petunia or surfinia.

A million bells

This is the most famous variety series (Million Bells), which appeared in 1993. It includes 18 varieties with different colors of flowers: classic purple, lemon and dark yellow, pink, crimson, red, etc. In pots, plants form balls and "waterfalls" of flowers.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
The variety series "Million Bells" is distinguished by the splendor of flowering


"Kalita" (Calita) - a group of varieties mainly with double flowers. Coloring can also be different.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
"Kalita" is ideal for planters and creating colorful compositions - mini rose gardens

Tequila Sunrise

"Tequila Sunrise" (Tequila Sunrise) - a hybrid with continuous flowering due to constantly growing flowers. Good for growing in containers and hanging pots. The shoots of the hybrid are strongly branched, flowering is lush, hundreds of flowers can be on one plant.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
Hybrid "Tequila Sunrise" is recommended to be grown in a sunny place

Super Bells

"Superbells" (Superbells) is a series of varieties with flowers of various colors. All varieties included in the variety series are resistant to black root rot.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
The variety "Super Bells" is characterized by strong branching and early lush flowering - from May to October


The Noa series includes 6 color variations. The flowers combine 2 shades at once, the “throat” and stripes are darker than the main color. Stems 0.5 m long.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
Variety series "Noah" loves shade and high humidity


"Cabaret" (Cabaret) - a series of 12 varieties. The colors are different, the main color is white. Plants grow in the form of a ball, which is strewn with many small bells.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
"Cabaret" is used to create beautiful supports, arches and in the design of celebrations and festivities


Kabloom is a group of varieties with flowers of various shades of blue, grown from seed. Calibrachoa bush is low, does not grow above 0.5 m.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
Cultoseria "Kablum" loves sunny areas, flowering continues all summer


"Sunset" (Sunset) - a variety with numerous yellow flowers with orange streaks. The bush is low, up to 0.3 m in height and the same width, blooms luxuriantly.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
Calibrachoa "Sunset" loves open sunny areas


Calibrachoa "Chameleon" (Chameleon) combines two colors that constantly change during the season. This is due to light sensitivity, daylight hours, and other factors.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
Variety series "Chameleon" prefers sunny places, responds well to top dressing

How to propagate Calibrachoa

Vegetative and seed propagation is used. Cutting is the easiest, most convenient and effective option. Cultivation from seeds is used most often to breed new varieties.


They are taken at the tops of the shoots of a healthy plant: cuttings are cut off by 4-5 cm. The best time for cutting is an equal spring. At the cuttings, the leaves are cut off at the bottom, put them in a light nutrient soil for rooting. They should grow in a small greenhouse, with a certain temperature and humidity. Without shelter, the cuttings will root poorly or may even die.

In the greenhouse, you need to maintain high humidity, but do not forget to ventilate it every day. After rooting, calibrachoa can be grown under normal conditions. You can transplant into pots after 1.5 months.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
Plants grown from cuttings retain the hereditary traits of the variety


The flower produces many seeds, but this method is used less frequently due to the fact that the plants obtained from them do not inherit all the characteristics. Calibrachoa from seeds can grow unlike the mother plant. In addition, not all of them germinate, and take a long time to sprout. To increase their germination, they are treated with stimulants, for example, "Epin" or "Zircon", soaking in a solution for a day.

Seeds are sown in January in peat tablets. In each, you need to plant not one, but several seeds, they do not germinate well. It is better then to remove unnecessary plants, leaving 1 the strongest and most well developed. When it has 3-4 leaves, you can transplant it into a pot, into a fertile light substrate. Sprouts need to provide a long daylight hours (not less than 16 hours). In winter and early spring, plants need to be backlit.

How to Grow Calibrachoa Seedlings

Seedlings are grown from seeds, then to transplant each plant into its own pot or flower bed. A lighted place is chosen for her, an important condition for her good growth is constant soil moisture. Top dressing is applied by spraying, using liquid fertilizers. They are balanced in composition and number of elements, easy to use, easily absorbed by plants. After the appearance of 3-4 leaves on the seedlings of calibrachoa, it can be transferred to an open balcony if the temperature outside is not lower than +22 ˚С.

Advice!It is best to sow the seeds immediately in separate cups, and not in a common container, so as not to dive them later.

Pinching caliberchoa

It is designed to make the bush more magnificent and compact. To do this, remove the tops of the shoots, giving the flower the shape of a ball. Too long stems in ampelous calibrachoa also need to be cut so that lateral processes with flowers appear. It is more convenient to cut with scissors, but you can also cut it off with your hands.

How to plant caliberchoa

The flower is grown mainly in pots. The plant will live in them all its life, so care must be taken that the volume of the container corresponds to its nutritional needs. It is necessary to choose the right substrate and place where to put the container. It depends on how quickly and correctly the plant will develop, how magnificently it will bloom.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
The pot in which the flower will grow must be of a suitable volume.

Recommended timing

Calibrachoa is grown primarily as an annual crop, although it is a perennial. The thing is that the second season the plant will no longer be able to bloom so magnificently and it is better to replace it. It is recommended to plant calibrachoa in the spring, at about the same time as petunia. It will bloom almost immediately, the duration of flowering - until autumn.

Preparation of containers and soil

Calibrachoa can be planted in ordinary flower pots, flowerpots, planters, balcony boxes, etc. At least 2-3 liters of substrate are needed for one average plant, which means that there should be a container of this volume. Pots can be made of plastic, but it is better to choose from natural material - clay, ceramics, porcelain. If they have been used before, their walls and bottom must be cleaned of dirt, rinsed with hot water and dried.

The flower prefers light, loose and nutritious soil. Her reaction should be neutral or slightly acidic, so acidic soil must be limed. The soil mixture for calibrachoa is a uniform mixture of rotted humus, leafy and soddy soil, peat and sand (can be replaced with vermiculite and perlite). For looseness, you can put moss. You need to add some complex fertilizers to it. Put a drainage layer at the bottom of each pot, it also needs to be prepared before planting. It can be pebbles or expanded clay.

Attention!When compiling the soil mixture, only humus can be used; fresh manure cannot be laid.

Planting calibrachoa in a pot

First, a layer of drainage 5 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the tank, and then a layer of sand 1 cm thick. It is slightly compacted.

When the pot is ready, proceed to planting:

  1. The plant is placed in the center of the container.
  2. The free space is filled with substrate. The root neck should be at the level of the soil surface.
  3. Water the plant.

A pot of calibrachoa is placed on a window, balcony or taken out into the street.

How many pieces of caliberhoa to plant in a pot

It all depends on the size of the pot. Approximately 2-3 liters of soil are required per plant, which means that only 1 calibrachoa should be planted in a pot of this volume. If the container is larger, then two bushes of the same or 2 varieties can be planted in it.

How to care for Calibrachoa

The general rules for growing and caring for this plant are almost the same as for petunias. These are watering, top dressing, pruning, protection from diseases and pests.

Calibrachoa loves light and warmth, so the pot with it should be placed on a sunny window or balcony facing south or southeast. At noon, the plant will need to be covered from strong rays. In the shade, this plant blooms poorly, the leaves brighten. If it is not possible to place a flower in the right place, artificial lighting must be used.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
The general principles of agricultural technology of caliberhoa are similar to those of petunias.

Watering and feeding

Calibrachoa needs moist soil, but not as damp as petunias. When overflowing, her roots easily rot, the flower may die. It follows from this that you need to water the flower a little less often than the petunia (on average - 3 times a week). To moisturize the plant, it can be sprayed at least daily. Especially such moisture is necessary for him in the heat. The flower loves air humidity of about 60%.

Calibrachoa growing outdoors must be protected from rain. Drops spoil the appearance of flowers and leaves, so you need to place the pots either under some kind of canopy, or when it rains, transfer them to shelter. The same applies to windy areas, you need to place pots in quiet places, protected from blowing winds.

Feed flowering caliberchoa 2-4 times a month. Without fertilizer, the plants will have few flowers, the stems will grow slowly. It is convenient to fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers or nitrophoska, it is convenient to breed and water them with this solution. Foliar top dressing is also useful for this flower. Its leaves are sprayed with weak solutions of trace elements, alternating them with root watering.

It is advisable not to use organic matter, especially fresh. Due to the high nitrogen content, the green parts of the plant will grow too quickly, there will be few flowers. This element increases the risk of developing fungal root diseases.

Calibrachoa bush formation

Pruning is carried out when the stems grow to a large length. They are shortened by 1/3 or ½ part (approximately in the middle of summer). This is necessary to give the bush a neat appearance and stimulate the growth of new shoots. You also need to cut off all faded flowers so that new ones appear, and the plant has a neat appearance. If seeds are needed, several copies can be left. Each flower lives approximately 5-7 days.

Attention!Calibrachoa tolerates pruning well, after which it quickly grows new shoots.

Wintering Calibrachoa

After the end of flowering, the vegetation of the plant ends. But you can save calibrachoa if you put it for the winter. After the plant has faded, the pot is placed in a cool and humid place. It is not watered or fertilized. May be sprayed lightly. In this form, calibrachoa is able to survive the winter normally and prepare for the new season. As soon as the length of daylight begins to increase, new young shoots will appear on the plant.

Diseases and pests

Calibrachoa, with good care, is resistant to diseases and pests. If the soil is too wet, the plants are at risk of developing fungal infections such as blackleg, root rot or powdery mildew. Treatment is carried out using various fungicides. For prevention, you need to ensure that there are no changes in temperature and humidity.

Often a flower can get sick with chlorosis, this can be seen from the pale green leaves. The treatment is carried out by spraying it with a solution of iron chelate. At the same time, you need to reduce the frequency of watering.

Of the pests on caliberchoa, spider mites, thrips, aphids and whiteflies can attack. They need to be dealt with by traditional methods - spraying with solutions of agrochemical preparations, for example, Intavir, or the Fitoverm biological product.

Calibrochia: features of cultivation and care, types and varieties with photos
Lush flowering indicates that the plant is healthy


Care and cultivation of caliberchoa will not be difficult if you know their basic rules. The flower is suitable for cultivation in pots, hanging planters, for placing them indoors, on balconies and verandas. It can also be grown in flower beds as an ornamental plant, in combination with other flowering representatives.