how to grow a lemon tree indoors

Before learning how to grow a lemon tree indoors in a large or small pot , depending on the size of the tree, with this guide, we indicate that you need to gather some material and know some information. The first thing you need is, of course, a pot large enough to house one of these trees. It is advisable to use one that is at least 80 cm deep, although in one of about 50 cm you can grow miniature lemon trees. In addition, from EcologíaVerde we remind you that it is important that the pot has drainage holes in the base.

Wooden pots are great pots if you plan to leave linden trees outside all year round.

    Wooden pots are very durable and hold water well.  Gardeners usually have owned their wooden pots for 25 years or more!

    Ceramic pots are another great pot if you want something really pretty.  Ceramic pots are also some of the best drain pots.

First, DO IT!

When you first pick up a lemon tree, you will need to fill your new pot with approximately 75% of the potting soil

Do not use garden soil, beds, or any other side than potting soil.

 Potted soil contains the perfect combination of nutrients for your lemon tree.  There is a chance that other soils can damage the lemon tree and sometimes kill it.

      I personally recommend Miracle-Gro potting mixes.

  • Once you have made the right pot, you will have to choose the specific variety of lemon tree you want. Since you are going to plant it in a pot, the Meyer lemon tree is the most suitable for indoors, although the striped lemon with pink flesh can also be a good choice.
  • It is possible to plant the lemon tree from seed, but very young trees of this type can find it difficult to develop properly indoors. For this reason, we advise you to get a lemon tree that is about 2 or 3 years old.
  • When you have made the pertinent decisions, prepare the pot with a drainage bottom made up of small stones or gravel and place it on a wider plate so that it can retain some moisture.
  • Next, fill the pot with substrate. This tree needs a slightly acidic mixture, such as those that contain a good percentage of peat. If you have substrate for cacti or succulent plants at home, you can also use it for citrus.
  • Take the lemon tree out of its original pot very carefully and remove the excess soil from the roots, separating them with your fingers without breaking them. This will help the roots to spread better throughout your new pot.
  • Place it in the pot, upright, on a base of about 15 or 20 cm of mixture and then fill the pot to the top. Check that the roots are not exposed, but do not leave a large part of the trunk covered with soil.
  • After planting it, water the lemon tree to moisten the soil (without watering it) and place it in a sunny area where it receives at least 8 hours of direct light a day .
Buy Lemon Tree

 Dwarf Meyer Lemon Tree - Potted

How to Grow a Lemon Tree Indoors

Nearly Natural Lemon Ball Arrangement Topiary

How to Grow a Lemon Tree Indoors

Improved Meyer Lemon Tree

How to Grow a Lemon Tree Indoors

How to water a lemon tree

Make sure to give the plant frequent but not excessive watering. It is about maintaining an adequate level of humidity in the soil, so that it never becomes too dry or waterlogged. If your lemon tree begins to lose its leaves, it could mean that you are watering it too much. To make sure this doesn't happen, here's a trick to help you: stick a stick into the dirt, then carefully pull it out. If you take it out dry and without stuck soil, it is time to water your lemon tree.

Lemons need a lot of light

   One of the main problems is the lemon tree's immense need for light - especially in winter. Lemons come from the subtropics, where it is warm and humid all year round and the sun always shines. If the lemon tree is in the apartment, it needs a light location , if possible directly next to a large window facing south. A place in a sunny winter garden is also ideal. When there is a lack of light, the tree often sheds leaves or these remain quite pale in color. If you have the impression that your little tree is not getting enough light, you should install an additional plant lamp (buy on Amazon *) .

Pollinating the lemon tree

How to Grow a Lemon Tree Indoors

   Finally, we inform you that if you want your lemon tree to bear fruit and you have it indoors, it is likely that, due to the lack of insects, you will have to pollinate it yourself manually with a brush. Carrying out this task is not as complicated as it seems, but you do need to know the basic parts of the plant to be able to carry out pollination manually.


Features of watering citrus fruits

Caring for indoor lemon is a painstaking business that requires knowledge and certain skills. This plant grows rapidly, under favorable conditions it begins to bear fruit. It is important to be able to look after him. For example, not everyone knows how to water citrus fruits . In the literature, you can find two words - moderate watering. What regime is hidden behind such a formulation, not everyone can imagine, which often ends with a flood of roots.

How to Grow a Lemon Tree Indoors

With moderate watering, the lemon is not moistened immediately when the soil in the pot dries out, but only after 3 days. This is an essential condition for proper growth and good development. A little drying promotes the formation of flower buds. Without this, one cannot wait for fragrant fruits.

For citrus fruits, be sure to soften the water. There are several ways. For example, ordinary ash and peat are poured into it. The easiest way is to boil it. But such water remains without oxygen. If possible, you can use filtered water for pets. You can find recommendations to use oxalic acid to soften. To use this chemical, the dosage must be correctly calculated. The hardness of the tap water must be known.


Prevention measures

     Indoor citrus plants love attention and gentle care. So that they do not get sick, they always please with their appearance and fragrant fruits, preventive measures must be followed:

Lemons will more easily survive a lack of moisture than an excess of moisture.

Seeing a stunted plant, you immediately want to water it - this rule does not work with indoor lemons!

Whitish crust of salt in a pot - the earth dries out for a long time. It needs to be removed, the top layer replaced.

The golden rule is that it is better to water less, but often, than rarely and a lot.

Lemon loves sprinkling. Humid air around him is more important to him than an excess of moist soil. Some experts advise washing homemade lemon in the shower once a week in the summer .

The first signs of root gulf should be alerted . But they can be dealt with when there is no systematic excess of water in the pot. Water from the pallet must be removed regularly, not to allow it to stagnate. This is a good breeding ground for bacteria and midges.

Indoor lemon tree Care features

     Caring for indoor lemon requires a lot of attention, knowledge and strength. Now it has become popular to present citrus trees with fruits as a gift. Not everyone understands what a plant needs for good growth and preservation of a beautiful appearance. Acclimatization of the lemon to new conditions is very important . It will pass quickly if bought from local gardeners. Cuttings are taken from plants that are accustomed to local climatic conditions.

Citrus fruits in large stores are sold from Portugal or Holland. They were grown in other conditions (most often in greenhouses) using synthetic hormones. In this case, lemon acclimatization can be more difficult and longer. Watering citrus fruits must be carefully controlled. The conditions of the apartment are not familiar to them, the humidity does not correspond to the natural growing conditions.

Watering the lemon should prevent stagnation of water in the soil. In the cold season from October to April, you need to water the tree a little - once a week will be enough. During the rest of the year, this should be done once a day. The topsoil must be loosened regularly.

Since both citrus watered only warm water, it must be pre-warmed for 2-3 on C above room temperature, to assert, saturating the air. The root system does not absorb cold water. At the same time, the suction cells of the roots die off from hypothermia, from which the lemon leaves fall .

Chlorine and fluorine in tap water, lemons do not tolerate well, so it must be defended for 2 days. Better to take melted snow or rainwater. On spring days, lemon watering should take place early in the morning, in summer, in the fall in the late evening hours.

It is important to spray the lemon leaves with a fine spray to create moist air around. Citrus plants are accustomed to a different climate, our air is very dry for them, which affects the state of the plant, growth, and fruiting. Wood suffers especially in winter when central heating is in operation. You need to spray lemon at least 2 times a day.


Extra lemon care

   Any houseplant needs attention and care. Citrus plants in unusual conditions for them seem picky and capricious. But you only need to follow a number of rules to ensure the necessary comfort for the plant. It is not in vain that we save the lemon from waterlogging, after which we must strive not to allow more such situations.

How to Grow a Lemon Tree Indoors

If the plant has dropped all the foliage, then the fruits must be removed, otherwise they will finally weaken the plant

Extra care means providing fresh air, which citrus fruits love very much. On summer days, it is good to take citrus fruits out into the yard or on the balcony. Some gardeners transplant them into soil so that they can “rest” outdoors. In the fall, they are returned to the pot again.

Lemon leaves should be regularly wiped with a sponge dipped in soapy water. To maintain humidity, you can place an aquarium next to a citrus tree, open containers of water. Another way is to put a pot of lemon on a tray with pebbles, which are systematically moistened.

Properly organized care of citrus plants does not bring hassle and additional worries, but joy and pleasure. A few simple rules help lemon survive in urban apartments with dry air, lack of land, space, fresh air, clean water.

Fertilizer for the lemon tree

Regarding the fertilizer and the nutrients, the lemon tree is a very demanding tree, so don't be afraid to fertilize it whenever you think it is necessary. Enrich the mixture right after planting and do it again every 3-4 weeks in the warm months and every 6-8 weeks in the cold. As with many other plants, worm castings are a very safe bet.

Lemon tree pruning

Pruning is also very important on this tree, especially to control its growth. If you want to have your tree pot indoors, it is best that you pay special attention to this step. Formation pruning is carried out in spring, after harvest. If you want more information about this step, don't miss this article on Pruning a lemon tree: how and when to do it .

Lemon tree diseases

As for the diseases of the potted lemon tree, you should know that this type of tree is prone to the same threats as outdoor lemon trees.

The most common pests of the lemon tree are:

  • The mealybug.
  • The aphid.
  • The red spider.

If you find them on your lemon tree, carry out a specific treatment as soon as possible to eliminate pests on your tree. If you want to learn How to have a lemon tree without pests , take a look at this other Green Ecology article. In addition, here below you can see a video about the complete care of the potted lemon tree.

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