How to Plant Watermelon At Home In a Container
How to Plant Watermelon At Home In a container  

Probably, you rarely meet a person who would not like watermelons. However, not all of us have a plot to grow our favorite fruits and vegetables. This is the main reason people are wondering how to grow a watermelon at home.

Not everyone knows, but you can grow watermelons without using seedlings, but immediately in a permanent place. As a rule, seedlings are used in order to subsequently transplant plants into a greenhouse.  

    How do watermelons grow for beginners

    How to Plant Watermelon At Home In a Container

    Even in the fall, you need to start preparing the soil for future planting of watermelons. Good predecessors for this crop are potatoes, cabbage, and onions. I make holes and put 1 bucket of rotted manure into each of them. If your land is hard, then you need to add sand. I sprinkle the holes with a little earth. Until the arrival of spring, the earth is not dug up.

    What's  month do you plant watermelon?

    How to Plant Watermelon At Home In a Container

    In the south of our country, watermelon is cultivated everywhere. Since the summer is warm and long there, the fruits have time to ripen well. Who does not know the famous Kherson sweet and tasty watermelons. But the work of breeders does not stand still, they have bred many varieties and hybrids that have a shorter growing season. This makes it possible to get juicy and ripe fruits in more northern regions, both in the open field and in the greenhouse. But in order for the harvest to really please, you need not only to take into account the peculiarities of growing this crop, but also to know when to plant watermelons for seedlings atOptions = { 'key' : '81ef3e9aae388e7488195116717e140e', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 50, 'width' : 320, 'params' : {} }; document.write('');

    style="background-color: transparent; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Arial; font-size: 11pt; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">and in the garden. We will talk about this in more detail below.

    How to Prepare watermelon seeds for planting

    How to Prepare watermelon seeds for planting

    A rather warm spring in Ukraine allows sowing watermelon seeds directly into the ground or into boxes for seedlings. As in the case of other crops, sowing melons for seedlings, the harvest can be obtained earlier.

    The first thing to do if you want to grow watermelons is to choose a seed. Keep in mind that the harvest will be richer from those seeds that are 1–2 years old. At the same time, the seeds of all pumpkin seeds, in particular watermelon, can lie for a long time if the storage rules are observed, but you should not buy seeds that are more than 5 years old.

    Choosing a place and container for a watermelon

    How to grow a watermelon at home in a container

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    The seedling pot should receive maximum light; install it on the south side, or arrange additional lWatermelong

    For planting seeds in a container at home or for a balcony, use a large container immediately. Dimensions: at least 50-60 cm deep, 45-50 cm in diameter. The first layer in the container should be good drainage - the watermelon does not like dense soils.

    Planting depth of seeds is 5–6 cm.

    Prepare special supporting structures: mesh, trellis, wire. The height of the trellis should be at least 1m 20cm - 1m 40cm.

    Pollination of watermelon at home

    When growing a watermelon at home, you can face the problem of pollination, unless you keep hives with bees at home.But the 😊problem will be solved if you do this work yourself.

    The male flowers produce pollen, which must be delivered to the female flowers. For full pollination to occur, this must be done repeatedly; the bee does this job up to 8 times!

    Male and female flowers differ from each other: male flowers grow on a thin stem and have five stamens, four of which grow together in pairs, and one remains free; female - under the petals have a thickening and pubescent ovary with a five-pointed stigma.

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    The very procedure of artificial pollination is very simple and is carried out in the morning hours: pick a male flower, bend or gently tear off the petals and insert the remaining "brush" with male pollen into the middle of the female flower, trying to hit the entire ovary. For better pollination, carry out this procedure at least 2 times and with different male flowers.

    And also during this period it is good to use preparations for setting fruit: "Ovary", "Bud".

    If pollination is successful, the ovary under the female flower will begin to thicken.

    Watermelon care at home 

    Watermelon is a drought-tolerant plant that needs moderate watering, but a container culture may need watering every day, and sometimes twice a day if the weather is very hot. Water should flow freely from the bottom of the pot.

    For an easier watering task, add a few hydrogel granules to the soil before planting; they will provide an even distribution of moisture and prevent the plant from drying out if you are not at home for several days.

    Watermelon prefers more phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Feed and spray it with water-soluble fertilizers, for example "Uniflor-micro" - 2 tsp. for 10 liters of water.

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    You will not need any more fertilizers if, when planting a watermelon seed, you added 1 tbsp. spoon of azofoska and superphosphate + 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate. Or, for example, 5-6 granules of AVA fertilizer were added to the hole.

    Do not forget that to grow a watermelon in a pot at home, the right choice of variety will help you on the balcony. These should be small-fruited thin-skinned greenhouse varieties with a shorter ripening period.