How to grow cucumbers in pots

Growing cucumber in pots in the backyard garden usa can be easy to do with these tips that I give you in this article. It is a vegetable that is widely consumed especially in recipes such as salads and warm or cold dishes.

The cucumber,  Cucumis sativus , is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the botanical family Cucurbitaceae, like the  melon ,  watermelon  or  pumpkin .

We are going to know what are the growing conditions for cucumbers in pots and cultivation tables.

How to grow cucumbers In Pots

You will learn How to grow cucumber in pots in the backyard garden usa

    How to Planting and spacing for  cucumbers growing in Pots 

    Use a pot of at least 20 liters for your cucumber plant. Sow your cucumber seeds or seedlings in spring, when the soil temperature is between 20 and 30 ° C.

    If you are cucumbers planting from seed, make a hole about 1 inch deep, place the seed inside, and cover it with soil. Then water carefully not to make puddles and always keep the soil moist. The seeds will sprout in 7-10 days.

    If you are planting a seedling, make a large hole about 2 inches deep, loosen the roots, and place it in the hole. Fill the hole with soil and water.

    All cucumber plants have large leaves and like to spread out. Plant one cucumber plant per pot, so there is room for the roots to grow and the leaves to spread.

    Cucumbers need a trellis to climb. This will keep the fruit off the ground and away from bugs. Also, the cucumbers will grow straighter and the air flow will help prevent mold.

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    Pruning the cucumber

    Throughout the life cycle of this vegetable we will remove the leaves that we see are in poor condition, yellowish, brown, etc. In addition, if we want to give more vigor to the flowering and fruiting process, we can remove some secondary stems and leave the main one and two or three more, maintaining a symmetry in the plant.

    Cucumber Control of pests and diseases

    Cucumbers are vulnerable to fungal and pest problems. Some fungal problems can be avoided by using a trellis; but others, such as powdery mildew, powdery mildew and fruit rot, may require some type of intervention. When detecting the first symptoms of fungi, use  Daconil® ready-to-use fungicide which will prevent fungi from causing further damage to plants.

    Aphids, thrips, whiteflies, caterpillars or spider mites may appear, while in diseases, the most common is powdery mildew.

    For common pests like cucumber beetles, aphids, and stink bugs, use Sevin®-5 ready-to-use 5% insecticide powder that can be applied up to three days before harvesting cucumbers.

    Possible problems during cucumber cultivation

    • If you see that the fruits have cracks, it may be because there is a significant temperature difference between day and night and the cucumbers suffer.
    • If the cucumbers are yellow, the causes can be several: lack of light, lack of irrigation or excess nitrogen or potassium.
    • If the cucumbers curl or narrow at the ends it may be due to lack of water or too high temperatures.


    After finishing the hard work, it will be time to enjoy the fun part of growing cucumbers in pots 
     - harvesting the crop. When the fruits reach the appropriate size for the variety, use sharp pruning shears to cut the cucumbers by the stem.

     Since vines and cucumber stalks are fragile, never pull the fruits as it could damage the plant. Cucumbers ripen quickly, which is why you should pick the crop every other day to avoid over-ripening.

    If planted correctly, cucumber is a crop that offers a large harvest in proportion to the space it occupies. Whether you grow a few cucumber plants to pickle or a large number of varieties to slice, this prolific crop produces fresh fruit to satisfy your hunger all season long.

    The answers to the questions that people have always wanted to know are given below 

    How much sun do cucumber plants need?

    The best thing about growing cucumbers in pots is that you can place them anywhere in your garden, so they receive the best sunlight. Cucumbers need 6 or more hours of sun a day to grow to their fullest.

    However, too much sun for too long will prevent the fruits from setting. If temperatures exceed 32 degrees Celsius for more than 3 days, move the pot to get afternoon shade, or consider putting up a shade cloth to keep the plants cool.

    Do cucumbers need a lot of water?

    Cucumbers have shallow roots and require regular watering, especially during flowering and fruiting. You may need to water daily, to be safe, stick a finger in the soil before watering to see if it is dry below the surface.

    If the soil is damp or wet about two inches below the surface, there is no need to water. If the soil is dry, gently water the base of the plant. Don't water the leaves because you can promote powdery mildew, which can ruin your plants.

    Mulch (mulch) is helpful in retaining moisture and keeping weeds at bay. If the plants don't get enough water, the cucumbers can curl and become bitter.

    Note: Plants use the most water during the day when photosynthesizing and perspiring (releasing water from their foliage), so water in the morning, unless it's going to rain.

    What type of soil should be used?

    Please don't collect a lot of soil from your garden for your cucumber pot. The soil in the garden is too dense and could have fungi, microbes, seeds, bugs or other critters that will damage your plants.

    It is important to choose the right soil for your potted garden, so that your vegetables grow well. Since plants grow in a confined space, you must make sure that the soil is the best possible. Here's how to choose the best soil for your container garden.

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