The Worst Advice We've Ever Heard About Why Does Gardening Make You Happy?

Ask your doctor or pharmacist about risks and side effects - or go to your garden! Because this is the best possible therapist for many of our ailments today. We have put together here what influence gardening has on body and mind and what needs to be considered.

Table of contents 

1 Mental health

2 Physical health

3 How many calories do you use gardening?

4 organic products from our own garden

5 What should be considered when gardening?

6 If you feel like getting started with gardening right now ...

Mental health

Create something with your own hands. Feel the earth between your fingers. Feel the smell of freshly mown grass. Don't think - just do it! For us stressed people these are unbeatable factors that contribute to mental balance. Just 10-20 minutes are enough to reduce stress hormones.

Gardening is also a wonderful exercise for structured, focused action and creativity at the same time. People suffering from depression can also experience true moments of happiness by gardening Is responsible, among other things, the green color of plants along with the feeling of success , if you can see the results of his work immediately.


Physical health

Gardening doesn't really need a workout or gym. Because here all muscle groups are used that our body has to offer: arms, legs, back. And at the same time you also train your gross and fine motor skills.

All of this has a very positive effect on the internal processes in our body . This lowers blood pressure, the cardiovascular system, the immune system and the metabolism are strengthened and diseases of civilization such as diabetes and cancer are also prevented.

Our skin is particularly happy about working in the fresh air: Sunlight helps with blemishes and many diseases (e.g. neurodermatitis, psoriasis or eczema). The body also produces vitamin D, which plays a very important role in all physical processes.


How Much Calories Do You Use Gardening?

Some of them need facts and figures to be motivated. The following example of a 70 kg person who does various activities for an hour shows how much calories he would burn on average.

activityCalorie consumption
planting trees300 kcal
cutting trees280 kcal
Dig up beds350 kcal
Harvest vegetables210 kcal
chop wood400 kcal
Stack wood350 kcal
Rake leaves280 kcal
picking fruit210 kcal
Planting activities in general320 kcal
to pick mushrooms170 kcal
Mow the lawn (electric mower)240 kcal
Mow the lawn (hand mower)320 kcal
Sow or fertilize the lawn160 kcal
weed weed320 kcal


Organic products from our own garden

Fruit vegetables happiness garden

Fruit and vegetables from your own garden are not only healthy, they usually also taste much better than purchased products. No wonder, because freshly harvested, they can be processed directly and have no long transport routes behind them. They can also be grown without chemicals, so you know exactly what you have on your plate. You can't get more organic. And the best part: Growing and harvesting fruit and vegetables is also fun!

Tip: For beginners, the cultivation of lamb's lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, apples and strawberries is particularly suitable.


What should be taken into account when gardening?

Gardening happiness

In order for gardening to make you really happy and healthy, a few things should be observed. Daily units of at least 30 minutes are most efficient At least three times a week is the minimum.

Incidentally, it is not only people with large green areas who benefit from the advantages of gardening. Terraces or balconies with plants are also a great starting point, even a flower box in front of the window is sufficient.

In whatever form the gardening is done - here are some tips and tricks:

  1. Save your back! Heavy objects such as planters or sacks of potting soil have to be transported. The best way to do this is to use a hand truck or always lift from your knees with a straight back and carry it close to your body!
  2. Protect your knees! Working bent over is not beneficial in the long term - as is kneeling work. This is where knee pads and alternating only one knee at a time help.
  3. Use ergonomic garden tools! As already said - bending over is unhealthy in the long run. There are rakes and hoes with a long handle that allow upright gardening.
  4. Protect hands! Gloves are important to prevent injury and infection. Here you should pay attention to the right size and breathable material.
  5. Check vaccinations! If you do get injured, a tetanus shot is worth its weight in gold. You should also try to prevent the consequences of tick bites, for example with a TBE vaccination.
  6. Don't forget sun protection! The sun helps - but it is also dangerous. A sunscreen with a high sun protection factor should therefore always be used. A hat with a wide brim also provides shade for the head.