
How to feed the chickens in winter so that they rush?


Even aspiring poultry farmers understand that feeding hens in winter will be different from a summer diet. Low temperatures require chickens more energy to maintain egg production and reduce the risk of hypothermia. It is necessary to feed hens and hens in winter so that there is no shortage of nutrients, vitamins and calories.

How to feed the chickens in winter so that they rush?


Even aspiring poultry farmers understand that feeding hens in winter will be different from a summer diet. Low temperatures require chickens more energy to maintain egg production and reduce the risk of hypothermia. It is necessary to feed hens and hens in winter so that there is no shortage of nutrients, vitamins and calories.


Feeding rates for chickens in winter


Feeding chickens in winter should be calculated based on the weight and age of the bird, its nutritional needs and its productivity (the chicken is carried all year round or seasonally). These are the parameters that you need to rely on when making up a diet for your winged nurses.

Also, the rate of feeding chickens in winter will differ for different breeds and for birds kept in different conditions.

For roosters and hens that live in a hen house without heating and spend most of the day in the cold, the amount of feed is increased by 15%, no less. What is it for? So that the Clucks can maintain their body temperature in a different season. This solves the problems of poultry diseases and helps to maintain egg production and maintain a balance of vitality.

For winged birds that winter in a well-insulated and heated poultry house, they walk outside for about four hours, the feeding rates are increased to 10%, while the calorie content of feedings increases. Acceptable temperature in the hen house in winter - 14-20C

And if your chickens have sanatorium conditions and they live and walk in the warmth all winter, then there is no need to change the norms of food consumption, otherwise the layers will simply get fat.


Diet of chickens in winter


Every agrarian needs to know how to feed the chickens in winter in order to rush better. A number of the main components of the diet remain the same, regardless of the season. Some components can be replaced with similar functionality.


In order for a laying hen to feel comfortable in winter, you will have to work a little in the summer:

  • stock up on cabbage and other essential vegetables;
  • mow and dry the hay;
  • grind pine flour.

Feeding chickens in winter should be two times a day - morning and evening.


Evening feeding of chickens in winter :

- pour dry grain or mixtures;

- add chopped corn tops;

- add bran;

- we can give barley cake as an additive.


Varieties of feed for chickens


Remember that chickens need dry grain all year round, as dry grain contains the most nutrients for activity and good productivity. Experienced poultry farmers advise feeding chickens with special mixtures, because in them the percentage of various cereals is most optimally selected. This is how the composition is distributed in the combined mixtures: wheat - 50%, corn grain - 30%, barley about 20% and other cereals no more than 15-20%, as well as cake and bran. Mineral feed - feed consisting of several types of mineral flour, sodium salts.

Combined mixtures can be purchased at loyal prices.

Green food is food that is in short supply during the winter. In spring and summer, chickens feast on fresh grass in plenty, but they do not have the opportunity to accumulate and store useful substances obtained from greenery. The task of the owners is to ensure that the chickens are fed with grass in the winter. Feed the chickens with dried hay or buy green mixtures from various herbs and needles. The progress of industry makes it possible to preserve all the necessary vitamins in such mixtures.

Vegetables in the diet of chickens are an important component and an endless source of vitamins, amino acids and fiber. Hens can be fed with almost all vegetables, but some only boiled. If it is not possible to pamper the cludge with fresh vegetables, then you can limit yourself to ready-made feed. They contain a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins.


Healthy Supplements for Chickens


How to feed the chickens in winter so that they rush?


Food residues. Almost everything that happens on your table is suitable for feeding the eternally hungry quacks, especially the leftovers of bread, cereals and vegetables you have not eaten. Most importantly, don't overdo it with variety.

Baker's yeast. Yeast is familiar to poultry farmers not only as a component of pies, but also as an additive to the diet for chickens, thanks to which layers gain weight better and run better. The maintenance of immunity is regulated by yeast. It is recommended that yeast not be fed more than five percent of the total daily diet. Excess will lead to problems in the digestive tract.

Fish, fish oil. Fish in the diet of chickens in winter is an important point for the prevention of chickens and roosters from various diseases. Fish serves as a source of vitamins necessary for maintaining health in the bird's body. Love fishing, great, give the hens fish leftovers in chopped form or in the form of broth. There is no way to fish, giblets purchased separately or in a fish or pharmaceutical fish oil are suitable, the price of which is cheap.

Sprouted grain is practically a panacea for chickens and chickens in winter. The content of vitamins and essential antioxidants is invaluable and incomparable in usefulness to ordinary grains.

Worms and maggots in the winter diet of laying hens are a valuable source of protein, vitamins (more group B) and minerals. To provide your livestock with maggots in winter, you can breed them yourself in a separate warm room, or you can purchase them. Today it is possible to purchase flour from maggots and worms in a specialized store, which does not reduce the usefulness of this product.


Features of feeding chickens in winter

Winter is not the most "rainbow" time for layers. Cook all food, except dry grains, only before feeding the flock so that it does not freeze during the meal. Considering that in winter it is almost impossible to catch worms in the poultry house, think about additional feeding to replenish the balance of calories and nutrients in the diet of the grouse. In a well-heated chicken coop, microbes breed with incredible force, make sure the dishes from which the chicken family eats and drinks are clean. Remove faeces from floors and bedding so that the coop does not become a home for rodents that can chew on the livestock.


So:  food should be fortified and with a sufficient amount of nutrients (fiber, protein, amino acids, etc.). Stock up on hay and healthy grasses for winter season from summer. The amount and calorie content of food is calculated depending on the breed and the purpose of the breed, on weight and age. Keeping the house clean is a guarantee of protection from unwanted guests and disease prevention.