Who wouldn't want them? A houseplant that enhances the home and leaves visitors speechless with its beauty and size. Impressively huge plants fit into spacious rooms.

However, these large houseplants come at a steep price and transporting them home from the plant store is often a challenge. The ideal solution is to buy small plants that are known for their rapid growth. We present 14 fast-growing indoor plants and show how you can transform your home or workplace into an oasis of well-being with the right care.


The Monstera is one of the fast-growing indoor plants and prefers the sun.
The Monstera is a particularly easy-care houseplant.

The so-called window leaf belongs to the aroid family and can grow up to five meters tall.
The evergreen, fast-growing houseplant charms its owners with its graceful shape. The huge pinnate leaves are also a real eye-catcher. A leaf of the climbing plant is able to grow up to one meter wide.

It is worth remembering that the Monstera needs room to stretch out its aerial roots. This is important for nutrient absorption.
The tropical plant also loves humidity. That's why you can use it as a bathroom decoration. If this is not possible, we recommend spraying monstera  regularly. It is advisable to remove the dust on the leaves with a damp cloth beforehand.

The fast-growing houseplant also prefers sun to partial shade and is considered easy to care for. It should be watered moderately. Waterlogging should be avoided with this well-tried classic.


The ivy is a houseplant with heart-shaped leaves.
The leaves of the ivy have white or yellow markings.

The popular ivy also belongs to the arum family. When fully grown, it has a height of up to 3 meters. In its native region of Southeast Asia, it can grow even larger.

The pronounced location tolerance makes it easy for the owner of this beautiful houseplant to find a place. Even in places with little light, it grows persistently and greens dark corners. The decorative leaf plant is also available in hanging and climbing versions and embellishes the four walls, especially on shelves, chests of drawers and cupboards. Cleverly used, Epipremnum even serves as an elegant room divider and gives the room a jungle atmosphere. Its leaves are heart-shaped and have patterns of white, yellow, or cream.

The care of the pretty plant is very easy. It only needs a moderate amount of water, but should be sprayed every now and then. This is advisable as a preventive measure, especially because of a possible spider mite infestation. Your green roommate will thank you by providing an attractive ambience and fresh air.

3.Weeping fig

The birch fig is one of the most popular fast-growing indoor plants.
The Ficus Benjamina loves it warm and light.

Almost everyone has them at home. It is beautiful to look at, adds atmosphere to the room and is easy to maintain. Ficus Benjamina belongs to the mulberry family. The popular, fast-growing houseplant is characterized by lush, slightly wavy foliage. The slightly hanging branches give the ficus an attractive look. There are different leaf patterns: from green and white variegated leaves to an irregular cream-colored pattern, there is something for every taste. A special variant is the Ficus benjamina Curly. It features variegated ruffled leaves that appear curled.

As already mentioned, the evergreen shrub is undemanding. It does not need much water and does not need a special substrate. You just have to pay attention to the right location. Benjamina likes it warm and bright, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

In general, it can be said that the simple, single-color varieties are the easiest to handle. But the roommate should not change his room too often, because then he will throw off the leaves. If the birch fig is watered moderately and kept at 18 to 25 degrees Celsius, it proves to be a long-lived, fast-growing houseplant that is a lot of fun.

4.Fishtail Palm

The fishtail palm is one of the indoor plants that need a lot of light.
The fishtail palm is native to South Asia.

The fishtail or burning palm comes from South Asia. The doubly pinnate leaves are reminiscent of small fish tails.
As a multi-stemmed palm, it is one of the fast-growing sundoor plants that are beautifully lush and bushy. It reaches a height of 1.80 meters in Germany, and even up to 4 meters in conservatories.

This type of palm needs a lot of light and a room temperature of at least 18 degrees Celsius. Then it provides a real jungle feeling.
The plant substrate should have a high humus and nutrient content and a pH of 5.5 to 7. So-called palm soil is best. Since the burning palm is sensitive to lime, rainwater is ideally used for watering. The soil should always be kept moist without causing waterlogging.

Be careful when repotting: the roots of the palm tree are very sensitive. Therefore, the pot must be very well rooted before the action.
A heavy and tall bucket has proven its worth when repotting this type of plant, as it tends to tip over due to its height.

5.Sacred Bamboo

Sacred Bamboo is a color changing houseplant.
The sacred bamboo offers a magnificent play of colors.

A colorful shrub that puts you in a good mood: the sacred bamboo, also known as heavenly bamboo, is striking because of the color of its leaves.

The special feature of the barberry family lies in the spectacular color change: the fresh leaves are initially red, later green and in autumn they offer a play of colors from yellow, orange to violet. This colorful foliage is not shed, but delights plant lovers throughout the winter. The evergreen shrub grows clump-like and is about two meters high and two meters wide.

In India, Japan and China it adorns roadsides and riverbanks. As a houseplant you should consider the following: If you give the sacred bamboo bog soil, it will love you. By adding grit, sand and lava granules, the fast-growing houseplant is given optimal conditions.
Ideally, watering should be done with soft rainwater. Repotting is necessary approximately every three years.

6.Ray Aralia

The radiate aralie is a climbing plant that needs a light location.
The radiate ara is native to Australia.

The radiant aralie is also known as the schefflera and is one of the undemanding, fast-growing indoor plants that supplies the air with plenty of oxygen. The climbing plant needs a bright location without direct sunlight. At 15 to 20 degrees she also feels very comfortable. In the winter period it can only be 12 degrees. The substrate should contain humus and clay.

The aralia should not be watered too often, otherwise it will drop its leaves. The Schefflera does not like to be near radiators. Once in a while, the Aussie beauty should be sprayed. When numerous roots can be seen on the surface, it is time to repot.

7.Red Powder Puff Bush

The red powder puff bush is a particularly easy-care houseplant.
The red powder puff bush enchants with its unique appearance.

This adorable plant with pink pompoms is well worth seeing. The leaves close in the day and night rhythm. The flowers appear from May to October. The powder puff shrub is easy to care for. He loves it warm and bright. If he is indoors, he can enjoy his place in full sun. In summer it can be placed outside. However, midday heat in direct sunlight should then be avoided.

In the summer months, the plant should be watered plentifully without favoring standing moisture. Pruning is recommended to stimulate growth. The ideal time for this is after flowering.

8.Crimson Cylinder Brush

The bottlebrush houseplant is reminiscent of a red pipe cleaner.
Bottlebrushes should be repotted once a year in late winter.

He looks funny with his flowers that resemble bottle brushes. Sometimes he is also called lamp cleaner or pipe cleaner.
This type of houseplant is ideal for beautifying bright living and business rooms. As a fast-growing houseplant, the bottle brush exudes a lemon-like scent in the room. This not only pleases the residents of the house, but also keeps pests away.

The Australian plant also likes a lot of light. With sufficient light, it achieves up to three inflorescences a year. These can be seen. The attractive red cylindrical flowers are an absolute highlight in your own four walls. Bottlebrushes should be repotted once a year in late winter. The potting soil should have coarse-grained parts such as gravel or coarse sand.

9.California fan palm

The Californian fan palm is one of the indoor plants with holiday flair.
The California fan palm needs a lot of water and sun.

This fast-growing desert palm is one of those houseplants that need direct sun and regular watering. Due to its strong trunk and rapid growth, it enjoys great popularity. With its large, round fan fronds, it exudes exotic charm.

Watering should be done penetrating the palm. Then you should wait until the soil is completely dry again. In hot summers, that can mean watering every one to three days. In the transitional seasons and in winter, this can be the case every one to two weeks. A room temperature of 8 degrees is sufficient in the winter months.

10.Giant Leaf Arrow Leaf

The giant-leaved arrowhead prefers half-shady to shady places.
As the name suggests, the giant-leaved arrowhead takes up a lot of space.

The giant-leaved arrow leaf is also called elephant ear or giant taro. In room culture, it does not reach more than two meters in height. But due to the expansive leaves in the shape of hearts or arrows, it also takes up a lot of space. The elephant ear inspires with its fresh green color. After all, it has been proven that green has a calming and balancing effect on our mind.

The arrowhead prefers semi-shady to shady places. The room temperature should not fall below 15 degrees. The optimum pH value is 5.5 and is therefore in the slightly acidic range. Youshould water plenty. The big leaves are very thirsty!

Bring the rainforest home with the Arrow Leaf. You will be enthusiastic!

11.Stick palm

Between November and February, the stick palm does not need fertilizer.
The rod palm tolerates commercial compost-based potting soil well.

The care of the stick palm or rod palm is easy and is therefore also suitable for people without a green thumb. The location for this fast-growing houseplant should be bright but without direct sunlight. It thrives at normal room temperature. Below 8 degrees she puts in a rest period.

The rod palm gets along well with commercially available compost-based potting soil. It should be repotted every three to four years. High plant pots that offer the taproots enough space below are best suited. At the beginning of the growth phase (end of March) a liquid fertilizer is used every two weeks. Between November and February, the palm does not need fertilizer.

12.Ylang Ylang

Ylang-ylang is one of the fast-growing indoor plants with an intoxicating scent.
Ylang-ylang is an evergreen houseplant.

 Ylang-ylang is one of the fast-growing indoor plants with an intoxicating scent. The essential oil extracted from the flowers is also considered medicinal. It has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect. The smell stimulates the release of the happiness hormone endorphin.

The evergreen plant also grows extremely fast and looks very pretty. In order to maintain its beauty, it needs a bright room and lots of warmth. A heated conservatory is ideal. Even soil moisture is important for the perfume tree. Overwatering is not good for him. The potting soil should be coarse-grained. It is repotted every two to three years. In addition, pest infestation is rare.


The indoor linden is one of the indoor plants that bloom all year round.
The room lime prefers a bright but cool location.

The mallow plant enchants with its strikingly large green leaves. In room culture, the tree reaches up to three meters.
With its pretty white blossoms, the lime tree is a feast for the eyes. Your guests will be delighted!

A bright, airy, cool place is required to keep this specimen. 15 to 18 degrees is also the optimal temperature. If the temperature is kept constant, the tree blooms all year round. Caution: If the leaves turn brown, the tree is too dark. The irrigation water should not be too cold, otherwise the lime tree will throw leaves around.

Regular pruning is also unavoidable. Unless they want to grow a forest in th room.

14.Spider plant

Spider plants should be watered often from March to November.
The spider plant is easy to care for and also likes dark locations.

The official grass is also one of the fast-growing indoor plants. It is easy to care for and also likes darker locations. It produces numerous offshoots. Despite its exotic origins, the sider plant is non-toxic, which cat lovers and households with small children will appreciate.

If the plant is in partial shade, its growth is best supported. The African asparagus plant likes a room temperature of 15 to 20 degrees and lime-free irrigation water. It should be watered plentifully from March to November. In winter, more economical watering is recommended.


In summary, it can be said that fast-growing indoor plants offer an ideal decoration. There are many specimens that look pretty and don't need much maintenance.14 Easiest And Fastest Growing Indoor House Plant 2022
